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Function and efficacy of probiotics


Promote the digestion and absorption of nutrients
Probiotics can synthesize digestive enzymes. Together with digestive enzymes synthesized by animals, probiotics can participate in the digestion of nutrients in the intestine, stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, reduce the depth of intestinal crypt, increase the height of villi, increase the surface area of small intestine, and promote the absorption of nutrients in the intestine.

Improve immunity
The self structure of probiotics, such as peptidoglycan, lipoteichoic acid and other components, can directly play the role of immune activation as antigens, or stimulate the host immune system through autocrine immune activators, so as to improve animal immunity, enhance the activity of innate immune cells and natural killer cells, activate dendritic cells, stimulate the body to produce cytokines, and stimulate B cell cycle The cells secrete antibodies and probiotics can stimulate the intestinal tract to produce secretory globulin A (sIgA) to protect the health of the body.

Maintaining the structural balance of intestinal flora
Intestinal tract is not only a normal part of the body, participating in important physiological activities, but also has complex intestinal flora, which plays an important role in the growth, development and health of the host.

Improve meat quality
Probiotics can delay the formation of methemoglobin by inhibiting lipid peroxidation, so as to improve muscle brightness. Probiotics can also affect fatty acid metabolism and improve muscle tenderness.

Improve the body's antioxidant level
Oxides in the body, such as oxygen free radicals and hydroxyl free radicals, contain unpaired electrons and are prone to redox reaction. When the amount of oxides in the body is excessive, it will lead to oxidative damage. There are antioxidant systems in the body, which constantly remove the oxides synthesized by the body and maintain the dynamic balance of oxides.

Inhibition of intestinal inflammation
Probiotics can alleviate the body's inflammatory response.

Protection of intestinal mucosal barrier
Probiotics can reduce the permeability of intestinal mucosa and protect the integrity of intestinal mucosal barrier.

Aquaculture water quality regulation
Probiotics participate in a variety of water cycle processes, through their own metabolism, consume organic matter in water, reduce the concentration of nitrite nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen in water, so as to improve and maintain good water quality.